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As an approved Continental Boiler distributor, we will be happy to supply you with any replacement or repair part for your Continental Boiler.
Continental Boiler Handhole Plates are 3 x 4 ½ Obround, made of welded steel, with a stud welded through the center. Mill Certification Paperwork is available for these plates. They come flat or curved “Y-Type”.
In addition to Handhole Plates, repair and replacement boiler parts for Continental Boiler Company Boilers.
Featured Items include but not limited to:Tube Impllars, Tube Plugs, Tube Brushes, Gasketing, Fireside Gasket Kits, Waterside Gasket Kits, Flue Doors Clamps and Handles, Low Water Cut OFF Controls McDonnell & Miller, Chamber Tiles, Burner Parts and Controls