Kewanee Boilers used a variety of handhole plates that can be found on both Scotch Marine and Fire Box Type Boilers.
Scotch Marine
Scotch Marine Kewanee Boilers typically used both 3 x 4 and 3 ½ x 4 ½ Elliptical Handhole Plates, both curved and flat. Horse power or inside dimensions of the boilers shell determines the radius of the curved handhole plate.
Fire Box Boilers
Kewanee Firebox Boilers use flat handhole plates, typically made of cast iron.
In addition to Handhole Plates, repair and replacement boiler parts for Kewanee Boilers available.
Featured Items include but not limited to:Tube Retarders, Steel Spinner Blades, Washout Plugs and Tools, Cast Iron Boiler Grates Tube Plugs, Tube Brushes, Gasketing, Fireside Gasket Kits, Waterside Gasket Kits, Flue Door Clamps and Handles, McDonnell & Miller Low Water Cut Off Gaskets and Controls, Chamber Tiles, Burner Parts and Controls